The Muslim Narcissist: An Islamic guide to understanding, surviving and healing from narcissistic and spiritual abuse – Bookify
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Narcissism is a personality disorder that is essentially a by-product of deeply rooted issues from childhood and an over-inflated ego that pursues evil desires at the expense of one’s faith, morals and the feelings of others. For years, psychologists, sociologists and mental health experts have dived deeply into the phenomena of narcissistic behaviour, providing a great scope of knowledge from their extensive studies. Some of these observations come from a Christian perspective, but within the context of Islamic psychology, knowledge about where narcissism comes from is scarce. It is important to understand why narcissism is becoming more prevalent among Muslims, when in fact there are teachings in Islam that guide us on how to identify, avoid, deal with and overcome it.

Patriarchal societies are primarily associated with men who have narcissistic tendencies, however more and more women are displaying similar behaviours in their relationships too. If you are one of the many people who have come into contact with Muslim narcissists, you will know how difficult it is to maintain relationships with them. As a British Muslim sociologist and counsellor, I often see that many men, women and children have been suffering for years as a result of other Muslims distorting the meaning of various teachings from The Qur’an and Hadiths into justifications for their religious and spiritual abuse and oppression. There are many detrimental consequences for this, the major one being the depletion of faith from the hearts of those who associate problematic attitudes and characteristics with Islamic teachings, due to a lack of awareness of narcissism.

In this book, I will share with you what the Islamic faith tells us about narcissism and where it comes from, how people develop this disorder, how to recognize and avoid Muslim narcissists and how to help and deal with them, enabling you to move on from a toxic situation. I will give you fascinating insights as to why you attract them and how to break the cycle of being a victim, so you can attract healthy people and relationships into your lives. This book will also serve as an eye-opener for those who possess strong narcissistic traits for them to see the negative long-term impact their behaviour has not just on the lives of others and the community, but on their own lives if left unaddressed. I truly believe when people face their demons and heal from their traumas, our Muslim homes and communities will be healed and saved too.

“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”

(Al-Qur’an, Al-Ra’d: 11)

43 reviews for The Muslim Narcissist: An Islamic guide to understanding, surviving and healing from narcissistic and spiritual abuse

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  1. This book opened my eyes as an empath and propelled me to become a supernova empath. This book changed my life for the better and taught me to navigate relationships with wisdom.

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  2. I love this sm

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  3. In the Muslims Narcissist, Dr. Mona Alyedreessy dives deep into the subject of Narcissism from Islamic perspective. Unlike the traditional Western narrative, Dr. Alyedreessy explains the metaphysical factors that build a narcissistic personality. She backs her theory by evidences from the Quran and Sunna. Dr. Alyedreessy draws similarities between universally agreed upon narcissistic characteristics and negative qualities mentioned in the Quran. These analyses shows that Narcissism should not only be explained by social and biological factors. Rather, there seem to be additional deeper reasons related to the Qraeen, nafs, and human willingness to resist committing bad behaviors.Other important subjects in the book include codependency, raising children with narcissistic spouses, and treatment of narcissistic parents and relatives.

    This books is the first of its kind in forming a coherent understanding of Narcissism from an Islamic view point. Dr. Alyedreessy did a phenomenal job in attempting to understand the toxic narcissistic personality in a unique holistic approach. The book contains practical steps to help both narcissists and narcissistic victims to heal and become better. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is dealing with a narcissists or exhibits narcissistic trait.

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  4. This book is very beneficial, I highly it recommend for anyone who wants to learn about certain relationship dynamics from an Islamic perspective.

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  5. It has taken me 18 months to write a reflective review as a result of reading The Muslim Narcissistic, the podcasts and live sessions, following narcissistic abuse spanning over 2 decades.

    I first heard the term narcissist behaviours in 2018. Fast forward 2020 and I was facing my own challenging journey – divorcing a narcissist husband. It was in mid-2022 I came across Dr. Mona Alyedreessy and her book. I was in the throes of my divorce and nothing made sense. I bought the book and deep dived into the podcasts and live sessions. Slowly and painfully almost every part of my life began to make sense; trauma from my ex-husband and in laws.

    The podcasts in sync with the book set the landscape of understanding God His Infinite wisdom, Satan his ulterior motives, childhood and traumas, how narcissism starts, attachments, patriarchy, cultural expectations and how we mould ourselves in adult life and much more. My divorce was the most difficult chapter in my life after trying to divorce him over a decade flanked by his family who weaponised religion along with spiritual abuse. I have left justice to God. Justice is King in His Hands.

    As a professional I berated myself for allowing myself to be a victim of narcissist abuse. How did I let this happen? However, I know now, the same lessons were being shown to me again and again; and realisation came about that this marriage was not how God intended marriage to be and the action needed to come from myself.

    The book and podcasts unravelled my experiences and put them into NPD context using Islamic teachings and references. If you have illnesses and conditions, most likely a result of the trauma you have been living in; these too will heal once you start working on yourself. You learn who YOU are, break the cycle of being a victim and become victorious through healing, facing traumas and becoming the best version of yourself.

    A toolkit carefully divided into sections for anyone embarking to understand what narcissism is. They served as therapy, counselling and slowly I began the journey of healing. The book reaches to all faiths and none and should be taught in educational settings, prisons, healthcare, faith communities. Imagine the devastating traumas and attachments that could be prevented by reading this book and applying the guidance! Just scroll through the titles of the podcasts and you can be sure there will be one that will pique your interest to start your journey of healing.

    I can’t put into words what this book has done for me. Not only did it equip me to face the aftermath of divorce, I became closer to God and stronger in faith. Dr. Mona Alyedreessy, I have never met you; you came in my life when I was at my lowest ebb and travelled through many dark roads. I can’t thank you enough for what your work, book and podcasts have/are done/doing for me and my family. It allowed me to scrutinise my life, work towards severing the intergenerational trauma so my future generation do not carry the pain. Dr. Mona, may God protect and preserve you and your family.

    If you found God in your pain, you won.

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