Connect & redirect
Surfing emotional waves
Build resilience for difficult transitions
Vertical integration: upstairs/downstairs brain
Strategies to regulate emotional reactivity
Reduce fight, flight, freeze responses
Teach clients about their brains
Use it or lose it and neuroplasticity
Emotions and Behaviors – Regulation Strategies
Rethink intake and assessment
Nervous system arousal/investigate toxic stress and co-regulation
Zones of arousal physiological, emotional, and behavioral correlates
Role of curiosity/beyond diagnoses and limits of our lens
Interdisciplinary, interpersonal neurobiology approaches to mental health
Role of sensory processing and information processing
“Bottom-up” approaches
Impact of movement on the nervous system
Dysfunctional emotional regulation/ formulate a treatment approach
Challenge typical diagnoses with arousal and relationship in mind
Case studies
A Neurobiological Lens of Attachment
How attachment wiring impacts the attentional system and narratives
Mental models and neurological wiring
Weave attachment into treatment and change models
Narrative and the attempt to understand the present functioning
Attachment experiences in the classroom
Using relationship to regulate neurophysiological states
Specific Brain-Based Strategies
Anxiety disorders
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