Anxiety, in all its various forms, is one of the most common mental health challenges today. Although many of us attempt to deal with anxiety by pushing it away or trying to avoid it altogether, this often has the paradoxical effect of making it worse. Worrying sparks anxiety, and anxiety sparks more worrying, and our lives become smaller. Fortunately, new research reveals how to break free from the anxiety trap. In this engaging and easy-to-read workbook, Dr. Sears provides detailed explanations, case examples, and practical worksheets to show how to work with anxiety instead of trying to battle against it. Using cutting-edge techniques and principles, clinicians will learn tools to transform anxiety and create a richer and more fulfilling life for their clients.
Great for those proficient with basic EMDR protocols and starting to encounter complex PTSD scenarios.
Incredibly useful if you work with dissociative clients (and all clients really).
I love this book. It was recommended to me! It has come in very handy in my practice and also just to further my understanding and expand my technique.
Dr. Knipe gives a readable in-depth explanation of how EMDR can be used to assist patients dealing with complex PTSD.
This book puts the meat on the bones of the protocol and shows how to apply EMDR to a variety of issues. It’s expensive, but very helpful and easy to read.